Frequently Asked Questions

What is Morgellons (NCS)?
Morgellons (NCS, Neuro-Cutaneous Syndrome) is caused by intimate exposure to toxins. Examples of toxins that cause Morgellons are dental materials used in dentistry, pesticides, recreational drugs or metal implants. The toxic effects cause neurological, dermatological, psychological, physiological and auto-immune responses, this collection of symptoms is called Morgellons or (NCS). Secondary infections such as, bacteria, fungus or anthropod can also be present via the dermatological effects of Morgellons (NCS).

Symptoms of Morgellons (NCS) include, but are not limited to: general malaise, depression, extreme nervousness/anxiety, psychosis, tremors, irregular heartbeat, extreme fatigue, gastric disturbances, swollen joints, generalized swelling, extreme itching, crawling, and biting skin sensations, painful rashes, oozing, slow healing sores. In addition, fibers and black specks, fleshy, clear or white formations that come out of skin.

Is there a cure for Morgellons?
Yes, determine the toxin/s offending one’s immune system (blood test), remove the source of exposure and detox the body’s cells, organs, blood, brain and lymph system.  PCI Recovery Protocol is extremely effective at achieving healing, while supporting and strengthening the immune system.

** NOTE: I do not recommend, pharmaceutical chelation, antibiotics, antifungals or antiparasitics, as they are very strong chemicals that leave the immune system in a depressed state. In addition, these chemicals are known to cause liver and kidney damage. 

Is Morgellons contagious?
Morgellons (NCS) is a condition that results, from toxic overload, caused by intimate exposure to toxin/s. This condition is NOT contagious.

The secondary, opportunistic infection (not always present Morgellons (NCS) cases) such as bacteria, fungus or anthropod, can be contagious**.  It is best practice to wash shared articles such as sheets and towels, with hot water, bleach and extra rinse cycle, so as not to leave harsh chemicals on items.

** NOTE:  No one in my family EVER became sick with my secondary infection, a plant fungus. My thought is that these secondary infections find a compromised immune system hospitable.

Why do some say Morgellons is “Delusional Parasitosis”?
Morgellons is classified as “Unexplained Dermopathy” by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

As I write, more credible information is being discovered and published on Morgellons (NCS). This new information is changing the way many health organizations and professionals are addressing and treating their patients.

Unfortunately, prior to January 25, 2012, the CDC labeled Morgellons as “Delusional Parasitosis” and mainstream medical professionals were taught this in their education. This is why some still hold to this incorrect understanding.

I’ve read that a lot of bad stuff about Morgellons that scares me, is it true?
Much of the publicity regarding Morgellons (NCS), producing fear, angst and stigma, is a distraction from true recovery and pure science fiction, that is not based on facts. If there is found to be any truth in this rhetoric, IT DOESN’T CHANGE THE PATH TO WELLNESS! Stay focused on the path to recovery!

Can I be helped, as I am not able to visit Dr. Amin.?
Yes, Parasitetesting.com has a web-based, self-help program for diagnosing and treating Morgellons (NCS). This has been created to allow others who are not near the Parasitology Center Inc. to access help and rehabilitation. Their very knowledgeable staff will assist you along the way. In addition, you will have access to a group of us who have recovered for support!

How long will it take for me to recover?
It can take 3 month to 3 years. Every case is different, dependent on environmental factors, how closely a patient follows the PCI Recovery Protocol and how long they have been affected. READ ME for helpful information during recovery. In addition, you will have access to a group of us who have recovered for support!

**NOTE: My case is particularly involved due to the fact that I had metal (toxic for me) in my body, since the age of 12 years old (mercury amalgam fillings). For 35 years my body dealt with the assault of more and more metals and chemicals. The effects of this are far-reaching and take time to remove from the body (cells, tissues, brain and organs). 

I started the PCI Recovery Protocol, why do I feel WORSE?!!
MORGELLONS (NCS) SYMPTOMS WILL INITIALLY INCREASE WHEN STARTING PCI RECOVERY PROTOCOL as toxins begin to release from cells, tissues, organs and brain, where they have been stored. THIS IS NORMAL.

Toxins are excreted from the body through urine, feces and skin/sweat.

Drink 48-64 oz. of purified water throughout the day. Water is our river that flows in our body. It hydrates every cell and moves toxins out. Gentle walks help too.

**NOTE:  READ ME for helpful information to combat the discomfort during recovery. In addition, you have access to a group of us, who have recovered, for support!

When will the itching, crawling and biting sensations stop?
The systemic itching, biting and crawling sensations, that are an overwhelming symptom of Morgellons (NCS), diminish as the toxins diminish. Each individual is different. Each case is different.** Even when improving, these symptoms can kick up after a workout, massage or strenuous activity, for a time. Although, bothersome, it is much more short-lived than the initial symptoms and will eventually stop. READ ME for helpful information during recovery. In addition, you have access to a group of us who, have recovered, for support!

**NOTE: Although I was not fully recovered from all Morgellons (NCS) symptoms, the itching crawling did subside considerably for me, within a few months.

When will the rashes/oozy sores stop?
Each individual is different. Each case is different. The systemic painful rashes and oozy sores are our bodies way of getting rid of toxins through the skin. Some case studies have shown resolve in as little as 3 months. I don’t want to give false hope, as my case took much longer. I had packed on  70 lbs, that toxins reside in. As I shed weight, I would have periods of relapse. Although, bothersome it is much more short-lived than the initial symptoms. These symptoms can kick up for a time, after a workout, massage or strenuous activity. They will eventually stop.

**NOTE:  READ ME for helpful information during recovery. Remember, you have access to a group of us who have recovered for support!

I have a fungus growing in my skin! When will this disappear?
Every case is different, dependent on environmental factors and how closely a patient follows the PCI Recovery Protocol.  I would say that in 6-8 weeks the fungus I suffered with was gone. Skin rashes can still be present (hives, painful welts and opens sores) as the body drains itself of the toxins. This is NOT fungus, bacteria or arthropod, and is not contagious. Keep areas, clean and covered.

I found the product in PCI Recovery Protocol, that you apply to your skin, extremely soothing and healing.

~ Don’t look upon my hideous state in pity. I am more than my sores and my pain. I have incredible value, not evident by my covering. ~ gina cerniglia, Morgellons Journal 12-25-2010

Can I have Morgellons (NCS) without sores?
Yes, you can. The gruesome pictures of grotesque forms or raw lesions is only one facet of Morgellons (NCS), but unfortunately is the most publicized.

Do the homeopathic medicines/products in PCI Recovery Protocol really work? Are they necessary?
Y E S and Y E S!!! They are powerful in Morgellons (NCS) rehabilitation and are the key to detoxifying and healing the body!!! In addition, they support and strengthen our immune system as they work.

The PCI Recovery Protocol works well, exactly as prescribed. Each product recommended is a necessary piece in complete rehabilitation from Morgellons (NCS).

Do not underestimate homeopathic medicines ability to cleanse and assist the body in rehabilitation.


**NOTE:  READ ME for helpful information during recovery. In addition, you have access to a group of us, who have recovered, for support!

What is homeopathic medicine?
The active ingredients in homeopathic medicines are diluted plants, animals and minerals that relieve the same symptoms they cause at full strength (i.e., a micro-dose of coffee bean helps nervousness). Homeopathic medicines studied and used for over 200 years.

Are the vitamins and supplements in the PCI Recovery Protocol necessary?
YES! Vitamins and supplements perform a specific function in the body and are necessary for optimal health. When the immune system is under constant assault, normal processes in the body are diminished or halted and absorption and utilization of necessary supplements is inhibited. The vitamins and supplements used in the PCI Recovery Protocol are specific in their function for rehabilitation from Morgellons (NCS), as well as supporting over all health and encouraging normal systemic functions of our body.

The PCI Recovery Protocol works well, exactly as prescribed. Each product recommended is a necessary piece for complete rehabilitation from Morgellons (NCS).

Do not underestimate vitamins and supplements ability to cleanse and assist the body in rehabilitation.


**NOTE:  READ ME for helpful information during recovery. In addition, you have access to a group of us, who have recovered, for support! 

Won’t antibiotics, anti-fungal and antiparasitic medications to get rid of Morgellons?
No, antibiotics, antifungals, antiparasitics, target bacteria, fungus, parasites, none of which are the ROOT cause of Morgellons (NCS). TOXICITY is the root cause of Morgellons (NCS) and MUST be addressed for recovery.

Can I take NutraSilver? It claims to cure Morgellons!
I DO NOT RECOMMEND TAKING THIS PRODUCT! NutraSilver does not address or reverse toxicity, which is the source of Morgellons (NCS). Get a blood test (bio-compatibility or other types available from PCI) done prior to treating yourself!!! This is the necessary ground work to begin successful rehabilitation from Morgellons (NCS).

NutraSilver contains a heavy metal, Silver. If you are sensitive to heavy metals this can exasperate your symptoms. In addition, heavy metals can deposit in skin and cause permanent discoloration. At the very least, NutraSilver is only addressing a pathogen problem. It is not a cure for Morgellons, that is the result of systemic, toxic damage.

Is a Bio-Compatibility test really needed?
ABSOLUTELY! It is a wealth of knowledge and begins the ground work for identifying the source of toxicity.

I don’t have any dental rehabilitation in my mouth are there other tests available to identify toxins?
Yes, contact Parasitology Center Inc., for more information.

Do I have to use mercury free dentistry procedures to remove fillings, crowns, root canals, etc?

**NOTE: I ALMOST DIED HAVING MY ROOT CANALS REMOVED!!! They didn’t just pop out. the dentist ended up grinding them to remove them, without a mask or vacuum. I was mercury poisoned from the fumes!!! READ HERE

Why is it necessary to use a dentist that uses precautions (mask, and vacuum) on me when removing mercury amalgam fillings?

**NOTE: I ALMOST DIED HAVING MY ROOT CANALS REMOVED!!! They didn’t just pop out. the dentist ended up grinding them to remove them, without a mask or vacuum. I was mercury poisoned from the fumes!!! READ HERE

My bio-compatibility report shows that I am sensitive to Mercury Amalgam and some other dental materials. Do I have to remove my root canals?
Yes, If your bio-compatibility test shows your highly reactive to the dental materials used in them. The noble used to secure a root canal tooth contains mercury, silver, tin and copper, to name a few metals. In addition the root canal can contain stainless steel, gold alloy, liners, cement and porcelain. During a root canal procedure the tooth’s root is removed, thus leaving the tooth in a decaying state. The noble and crown is used to preserve the integrity of the tooth. However, the tooth is forever in a state of decay and the metals, materials and bacteria continuously leach into the body.

Aren’t root canals just pulled? Why is it necessary to use a dentist that uses precautions (mask, and vacuum) on me when removing root canals?
Not necessarily, root canals are pinned into the jawbone, which can make a root canal impossible to pull, thus making it necessary to saw and drill the root canal tooth, to remove it. There is no way of knowing the outcome until you are in the dentist chair. Better to be safe than sorry!!!!

**NOTE: I ALMOST DIED HAVING MY ROOT CANALS REMOVED!!! They didn’t just pop out. the dentist ended up grinding them to remove them, without a mask or vacuum. I was mercury poisoned from the fumes!!! READ HERE


I started a new diet/exercise program and feel sick, itchy and broke out with a painful rash! Why?
“Relapse” can be part of recovery. TOXINS ARE STORED IN FAT. As the fat cells shrink the toxins they harbor are reintroduced into our system, then excreted in urine, feces, sweat. This can produce a “relapse” of Morgellons (NCS) symptoms including rashes. It is never as severe or long-lived as the initial illness and will eventually stop.

In addition, It is important to not reintroduce allergens to your system. Be aware of what is in your food, drink, or toiletries/cosmetics that you use, in regards to your sensitivities.

**NOTE:  READ ME for helpful information during recovery. Remember, you have access to a group of us who have recovered for support!

morgellons, ncs, neuro cutaneous syndrome, Dr. Omar Amin, bio, biting, black specs, chronic fatigue delusional parasitosis,crawling, fibers, fibromyalgia, fungus, gmo, help, itching,lyme disease, mercury amalgam, mold,morgellons,morgellons cure,morgellons disease,morgellons help,morgellons illness,morgellons recovery,morgellons support,morgellons symptoms, nano particles,neurocutaneous syndrome, pin pricking, scabies,sores, toxic overload,toxicity

  1. Hi I recently bumped into some old friends at the grocery store. My daughter is very found of them both so she hugged them both and started pushing their doggie stroller around while we talked. Deeper in conversation I found out they were being infested by “morgellons” and “slime mold”. I had never heard of it before and tried to be as empathetic as possible but thought it sounded like a bad horror movie. Their story got more and more horrific and science fiction sounding, talk about glitter every where and worm like critters in the carpet, spots and intense itching in the skin. I found out they were staying in a hotel and had fled their home. I didn’t think much of it until I got home from shopping and did some research online. I haven’t found anything concrete until I ran into this site. Should I be concerned for my daughter? I had her shower and wash well and even threw away the clothes she was wearing. Is it very contagious and should I be worried?


  2. i have what can be squeezed out or “popped”like a black head through out my body they were at first seemed like a thought ingrown hair and now with this infomation not so sure
    i get a iitch or a sting or a feeling grabs my attenon to a specific area on my bdie,usually is a black dot resembling a black head so i try to get out and they usually dont waant too come out or become sore afterwards what could this be


  3. Melissa Little

    Can pets get this from me? I know you said not contagious. However, I worry about my pets, who doesn’t worry.


  4. Melissa Little

    Best information I have read. My question is can pets get this? I know you said not contagious. However, I worry about my pets, I mean who doesn’t.
    Thank you


  5. Jayme Fritsch

    Please help I need these test nobody will do them


  6. Hi I’ve been suffering with the skin lesions Tyne crawling the fibers for 2 years now. Doctors have shunned me add well as dermatologist. I thought i was crazy. I’m wondering what libs of toxin allergy I would have because i got this when i was using crystal meth. It seemed the more i used it the worse all my symptoms got. My face abd chest were covered in own lesions with white things in them. Then i see fibers growing in my skin. I no longer use drugs and it has calmed down a bit but I’m still getting sores abd fibers in the skin. I can’t afford the blood test along with the protocol because i haven’t been able to work due to the debilitating disease. I have 3 kids and pray everyday they don’t contract this. I’m so confused and alone. I need some advice and help. Can u help me? I’m suffering and i can’t take much more. Please help me talk to someone?? Or let me know which protocol is best for me. Thanks


    • Hello DB, You children can’t catch the effects your experiencing from your chrystal meth use. I feared that too but my illness was my reaction to chemicals and heavy metals used in my dental work. No one in my family suffered with my illness. My recommendation is to wash your towels and sheets in hot water, hot dryer if you are worried.

      I’m so sorry to hear your story. Yessss, Neurocutaneous Syndrome (morgellons) can be brought on by using Chrystal Meth. Chrystal Meth is very toxic to the human system and leaves toxins and heavy metals in the body. The itching is a symptom of the nerve endings being disturbed by the chemicals. Welts, hives and sores are the bodies reaction to the toxins. Please contact Dr. Amins staff. They can assist you with tests and products to get you on the road to wellness. Everything can be done from you home, as they have an online self help program that they will assist you with. Check back here for support and information. Help During Recovery is my collection of tips that I found helpful during my recovery. Stay in touch. Kindest Regards, Gina


  7. Hi I’ve been suffering with the skin lesions Tyne crawling the fibers for 2 years now. Doctors have shunned me add well as dermatologist. I thought i was crazy. I’m wondering what libs of toxin allergy I would have because i got this when i was using crystal meth. It seemed the more i used it the worse all my symptoms got. My face abd chest were covered in own lesions with white things in them. Then i see fibers growing in my skin. I no longer use drugs and it has calmed down a bit but I’m still getting sores abd fibers in the skin. I can’t afford the blood test along with the protocol because i haven’t been able to work due to the debilitating disease. I have 3 kids and pray everyday they don’t contract this. I’m so confused and alone. I need some advice and help. Can u help me? I’m suffering and i can’t take much more. Please help me talk to someone?? Or let me know which protocol is best for me. Thanks


  8. Hi I just wanted to ask what my toxicity allergy would be because i got this same thing when i used crystal meth. I no longer use but when i did I noticed the lesions wound get much worse and so wound the crawling and itching. It’s calmed down being I don’t use anymore but I’m still growing fibers that i can pull out of my skin abd sores and all my sores have white things in them. I’m very scared abd cannot afford much because i haven’t been able to work due to the debilitating fatigue and joint pain and skin lesions. I have 3 kids and an praying they cant get this. I need some help I’m in Colorado but i can’t afford the blood test and all the protocols?? Any advice?? Thanks. D.B.


  9. Hi Gina,
    My very dear friend is suffering terribly from this disease. She was lucky enough to have a phone consult with Dr. Amin, but unfortunately he is no longer seeing patients.
    Dr. Amin’s amazing office manager gave her this website to contact you. I offered to write to you as she is feeling extremely overwhelmed and overloaded with too much scary information.
    Is it possible for her to contact you by phone?
    She would of course pay you for your time.
    We would all feel so grateful. Thank-you, Marilyn


  10. Bhavani Johmson

    I’ve been struggling with a skin condition for about 3 yrs now. Seems to be getting worse with the insane itching 24/7. It is mostly under the skin cannot see anything there for the most part. Itches all over my body but there are some area’s where it itches in the same spot all the time where I spend a lot of time scratching little pink pimples start appearing unlike a typical rash they are spread apart from ea. other. On my back as I run the bamboo back scratcher over the itchy area I seem to hear a little clicking sound like little hard crystalizations of some sort protruding from these little pimples. From viewing a lot of slides of video footage of graphics of people with Morgellons I’ve seem to have identified one of the samples shown of what I’ve been finding in my bathroom my sink, and last night after soaking in a hot tub with a qt. of colloidal silver in the water seeing a couple of black spots on the bottom of the tub after it emptied that under my photographers loop magnifier looked like a tiny ball of yarn made up of fine black hair which also protruded out from it. It had a bug like appearance but was not a bug, just this very fine hair twined up. I thought since I’ve seen something similar in slides shown in video’s that, ha! now I’ve identified this which has left my doctor completely befuddled. I saved the samples but this morning my long haired black cat was visiting me in the bathroom & I started to think maybe it’s not what I think it is at all but just cat hair???? What is your take on all this? Right now I’ve got a trip coming up to a clinic in Cebu island in the Philippines where I’ll be getting some IV ozone, Vit. C, Chealation, & liver detox therapy.
    I’ve also been tested & found to be positive for Lyme’s & I also have chronic hepatitis C of over 25 yrs. as well. I suppose the only way I ‘ll know for sure is to be tested but I’ve committed myself to this up coming trip next month and because I bought in advance a cheap round trip ticket which is non-refundable, non-transferable, & cannot change departure or arrival dates on it I won’t be able to even consider it both with time or my budget. I don’t even know if you can help me with any advice at this point. But any advice forthcoming would be very welcome. Thank you so very kindly. ~ Bhavani


    • Hi Bhavani Johmson, I am sorry to hear of your suffereing. Lymes Disease has a similar presentation and symptoms as Neurocutaneous Syndrome (morgellons) but is not the same thing. NCS (neurocutaneous) patients do not have the lymes disease antibody. The source of the problem is not from lymes disease. I am not an expert on if the NCS treatment will work for lymes disease, that would be a great question you could pose to http://www.parasitetesting.com/morgellons.cfm. I can tell you that it would be possible for a person to have both issues (NCS and lymes Disease).

      NCS is caused by intimate exposure to toxins, commonly materials used in dental work are found to be incompatible with the patient and cause the symptoms of NCS. The bio-compatibility blood test http://www.biocomplaboratories.com/biocompatibility-Testing-Dental-Toxicity.html would be very helpful in identifying if you have toxic/chemical offenders that you are constantly exposed to. This test focuses on heavy metals and chemicals used in medicine and dentistry. It was a life saver for my situation as I am allergic to most heavy metals. Many of these are used in everyday products not to mention in dental work!

      You can also purchase the blood kit and NCS detox protocol together at http://www.parasitetesting.com/ncs_protocol.cfm. The kit from Parasite Testing comes with Dr.Amin’s orders for blood draw. All you have to do is take this box with order to a local blood draw lab. They will send the kit and blood to Biocomp Laboratories. The report with findings is then mailed to you and Dr. Amin’s office. If their are incidental findings they will further help you to put the pieces together to further you rehabilitation.

      Best wishes to you,



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